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The Complete Mental Health Resource Guide

2024/25 Edition

The new 2024/25 edition of The Complete Mental Health Resource Guide has been broadly expanded to offer the most comprehensive information covering the field of behavioral health, with detailed, comprehensive and critical information for not only those challenged with a mental disorder, their family and support network, but also for paraprofessionals and professionals in the field.

This new edition is a one-stop-shop resource, providing comprehensive coverage of 22 major mental health disorder categories, from ADHD to Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders, with over 100 subcategories and specific disorders.

All chapter introductions have been reviewed and revised for this edition, and the front matter has been greatly enhanced with the latest reports from Mental Health America (MHA) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), including:
  • The State of Mental Health in America
  • Navigating a Mental Health Crisis
  • Trends in State Mental Health Policy

Users will find a variety of disorder-specific resources, including Associations, Books, Periodicals, Research Centers, and Support Groups. In addition, The Complete Mental Health Resource Guide includes Professional Services, Publishers, Facilities, Clinical Management and Pharmaceutical Companies.

In addition to the more than 4,500 listings, this title includes several valuable elements:

  • The State of Mental Health in America is a colorful report that combines narrative and charts for a complete look at this topic;
  • NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness—reports on: Student Guide to Mental Health; Taking Charge of Your Mental Health; How to Help a Friend; and The Doctor is Out;
  • Mental Disorders by Diagnostic Category educates patients and professionals about categorical diagnoses, symptoms and treatments.

Section One: Disorders

Each chapter in this section begins with a description, written in clear, accessible language and includes symptoms, prevalence, and treatment options. Following the descriptions are specific resources relevant to the disorder.

Section Two & Three: Associations, Organizations, Government Agencies

More than 1,000 National Associations, and Federal and State Agencies are profiled in these sections that offer general mental health services and support for patients and their families.

Section Four: Professional Support Services

This section provides resources that support the many different professionals in the mental health field.

Section Five: Publishers

This section lists major publishers of books and magazines that focus on health care or mental health issues. This material is suitable for both professionals in the mental health industry as well as patients and their network community.

Section Six: Facilities

This section lists major facilities and hospitals, arranged by state, which provides treatment for persons with mental health disorders.

Section Seven: Clinical Management

Here you will find products and services that support the Clinical Management aspect of the mental health industry, including Directories and Databases, Management Companies, and Information Services, which provide patient and medical data, as well as marketing information.

Section Eight: Pharmaceutical Companies

This section offers current information on the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture drugs to treat mental health disorders. This data is presented alphabetically by company name, including address, phone, fax, and web site.

Detailed listings offer complete contact information, with email addresses, web sites, mailing addresses, key contacts, and a description of the organization or resource. Also includes an Appendix of Mental Health Drugs and Three Indexes: Disorder Index, Entry Index, and Geographic Index.

This compilation of mental health resources, support services, and professional development sources will be widely used in public, academic, and health care libraries.

Buyers of The Complete Mental Health Resource Guide receive FREE ONLINE ACCESS on the popular Grey House/Salem Press Platform, With unlimited users and remote access included, your students and researchers can now search this amazing collection of data, anytime & anywhere, all just a click away.

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Pub. Date: March 2024
Softcover: 435 pages
ISBN: 978-1-63700-839-3
Price: $165
Includes Free Online Access for Two Years on The Salem Press/Grey House platform