The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the Debates
This update of The Evolution Wars draws on history, science, and philosophy to examine the development of evolutionary thought through the past two and a half centuries, along with the rise of “creation science” and its role in public school curricula as a subject on par with evolution.
To further aid the reader, informative Chapter Introductions and Overviews outline the contents of each chapter. Additional material includes a Historical Timeless, Biographies of Prominent Scientists, Primary Documents and a Glossary for added understanding.
Topics examined in this new edition:
- A History of Evolution
- Early Evolutionists in the Debate: The Birth of the Idea
- Conflict Before, During and After The Origin of the Species: The Legacy of Charles Darwin
- Darwinism Explodes onto the Victorian State: Evolution as Religion
- Darwinism in America: The New World
- Evolution Denied & Extolled: The Rise of Creationism, Intelligent Design & Darwinism Religion in America
- Evolution Matures
- Darwinism & Genetics: A New Frontier Opens
- Life: The Early Years
- Two New Sciences at War: Placing Ancestors in Time
- Human Sociobiology: Genetic Determinism
- Philosophy: Evolution & Thinking About Knowledge & Morality
- Evolutionary Development: Minimizing Natural Selection
- New Evolutionary Theories: Thickening the Plot of Natural Selection
With two and a half centuries of evolutionary thought, in one all-inclusive volume, this thought-provoking encyclopedia is a much-needed resource in public libraries, and university collections.